The other night, Molly and I got dressed up and went to a casino. We were WAY too posh in comparison to most of the people there. I always have a romantic vision of casinos; where I win thousands of dollars and sweep my woman off her feet in dramatic fashion. The glitz, the noise, the glamor. However, Sandia Casino north of Albuquerque is not very romantic. It's filled with drunkards and old people, all looking depressed as hell as they shovel their money into the casino's machines. We had fun anyway. I might have well been one of those drunkards loosing their money-I lost $60.
Molly left today. Bummer.
I've been frequenting the Santa Fe skateboard park. It's a scene, man. There are hundreds of little Latino kids on pimped-out bikes, and they own the place. They weave in and out, screaming at people (including me), and talking trash to each other. I've heard so many 'I can't wait to get your momma home so I can.... blank' jokes at the skatepark; it's a vulgar place. Today, a parent started screaming at her kid, telling the kid not to 'dis her'. It's a funny place, but I alway feel like I'm seconds away from getting my head beat in by a disgruntled biker.
The Santa Fe newspaper, The New Mexican, is planning to let go 18 employees. Does this mean there is a job open for me?
I know for a fact that you CAN'T win at casinos.
I think it means there ain't no jobs at all. Second sentence, to should be too.
i was up $20 for a minute . . . i miss you. also, maybe they would give you a job if you weren't being paid, i bet they're looking for that.
Hey man, you should probably just wander around the desert and file a report on what happens when a young man takes an incredibly strong dosage of peyote with no supervision but one's one spirit animal.
By the way, thats me Josh D. using my AIM sn.
haha. 1. that photo is nice. I didn't know it was possible for you to look sharp.
2. I'm teaching/living north of Paris, hoping to move to Paris by November.
3. Newspapers blow. The Chicago Tribune just fired, like 50 people. The place I interned at over the summer just fired 12. In a newsroom of 200… that's um… I don't know not good at math but kind of a lot.
4. Radio stations typically only have four employees doing the work of 10 people anyway, so if that's works out, it's unlikely you would get fired. The only problem is you get paid about $1 to work at a radio station. Or nothing at all.
5. I could talk about journalism all day.
Writing is getting stronger. Love the picture of M and you dressed up. You look like John F. Kennedy, Jr, must be the Santa Fe tan. Would love to have shopped with Molly in Japan,she would look great in everything. Do not worry about the job number statistics, talent and perserverance always find a way. Continue to lead with what you love and follow opportunities as they develop, plan on winning and losing at both, YOU HAVE TIME!
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