Monday, October 20, 2008

Brett the Webmaster

To increase my 'employability' in the journalism world, I have began the tedious process of making websites. First, I'm in charge of Ksfr news already has pages on, but my boss wants to separate our news department from the other site. I started the new site today, with almost no knowledge of web-making; but it is a fun learning process.

Try to ignore the glitz of Just kidding. Right now its so simple and ugly a monkey could navigate through it.

I also have been thinking about a website of my own. The website will be devoted to young journalists, who have little or no experience because of the hiring freeze that has been put on by many companies. Since there are so many experienced journalists who have recently lost their jobs (it's predicted that print will loose 40% of its advertising income), there is even less space in the impossible job market for inexperienced journalists. My site will be devoted to news that is important to young people and young journalists, not news from the 'old guard'. I'm hoping college level journalists will contribute to the site, with fresh ideas and good discussion. Hopefully, the website will not turn into the mainstream media's 'one focus journalism', and contribute productively reporting to the world. This site is far off, but if you are interested in helping me out, either with the web aspect or the journalism aspect, that would be great. Think of stories you think should be seen in the news, or stories critiquing current news, and write them up.

Yeah, so that's what I'm up to.

Also, I'm friends with this guy named Pete. Pete goes to the skatepark. He is 30 years old, and from Long Island. Pete is so freaking New York, its ridiculous. I can't really explain it, other than he has 10 times more chest hair than me. Think about it.

Update: I bought the domain


Louis G Frenchy said...

I want to be the French wing of!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you ever want some hard hitting journalism with an existentialist edge for your site, let me know mang!

MOLLY said...

you're so on top of things and productive, you're so great