Yesterday, Molly and I briefly attended a stump speech by Robert Kennedy Jr. He was in Santa Fe, stumping for Obama. I was immediately struck by how much he resembled his dad. He seemed like a cool cat, and the event was jammed with people. I believe New Mexico Congressman Ben Lujan Jr. was also at the event, but I couldn't verify.
Blown away by seeing a real-life Kennedy, I did a little research on Bobby Jr. I found that after a distinguished academic career, Bobby Jr. was caught with heroin in a South Dakota airport in 1983. He is also an activist, and had further legal trouble when he broke into a naval base while protesting. He is a preeminent conservationist and a radio host on Air America, even though he possesses spasmodic dysphonia, which inhibits his speaking. Got to love those Kennedys.
i thought you said "i was struck by how much he resembled MY dad." i was going to have to tell you that you were mistaken.
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