Monday, October 6, 2008

Keep Hating

I love how ninety percent of the few comments I receive on this blog are directed at how bad my grammar is (way to end a sentence Brett). It's usually something small; like forgetting how to use a semicolon, or my misspelling the word bawled. These mistakes come from my lack of formal training. Although I am a history major and wrote countless papers; little of that time was spent perfecting my punctuation and grammar.

But Brett, aren't you trying to write well; and potentially for a living? Yes I am, and I thoroughly need all the help I can get when it comes to writing. Keep the critique coming.

I just want you, the reader, to know how my reaction usually works when someone constructively throws critique at me.

1) Madness
My initial reaction is to give a big F you to whoever pointed out my mistake. Like, my dear friend Eric, who critiqued my use (or lack there of) of a semicolon. I thought, well Eric aren't you just a smart piece, who is sooooo smart you can correct my impeccable, error-free writing. Why don't you go back to sucking on Obama's big c....

2) Remorse in my stupidity
I'm not a writer. I try, but I have a long way to go. I think, "well, Eric is a smart kid". "Isn't he a writing major"? "I didn't use a semicolon?" "Man, my writing sucks, a first grader can write this dribble". "It's only a matter of time before they kick me out of the radio station and I throw myself headfirst into heavy drugs; I'm such a bad writer". "Should I hire Eric to proofread my blog?"

3) Acceptance.
I eventually come to the conclusion that I NEED all the critique; nay, I like the critique. Maybe, like 70%percent of my writing is readable. That's not bad. My friends are smart people. And hell, my friends are the only people that read this blog anyway; they could tell me I smell like a Bolivian urinal, as long as they keep reading.

So keep critiquing and keep reading.

Who needs to know what the term 'independent clause' means anyway?

P.S.- I'm about to post some lackluster short stories, so get your red pen ready.


Stephanie said...

I hate people telling me what to do, even if they're right, so I understand your frustration. But boy oh boy will I let you know when something's up.

Anonymous said...

my excuse is fat fingers and no interest in that stuff...get spell/grammer check if you must....let's hear the thought process and actually this post topic is getting there...keep going dude...ciao

betsyboo said...

Buy "Elements of Style" by Strunk & White. It's like 80 pgs. It's a condensed version of The Rules. Once you know The Rules, you have the authority to break them.