Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Finger on the Trigger

I got put in charge of the newsroom today. No, I didn't get the dream promotion. Nobody else was there and my boss wanted to go vote, so he left me with the instructions, "make sure it doesn't burn down". What responsibility! But as I was sitting on my butt, writing stories that will never get used, I thought of something. With the 'On Air' button just feet away, I could reach out, and plunge my self into FCC oblivion. I could get on air and give a speech about the election, pronounce my love for skateboarding, or just make funny noises. What stopped me? Well, I guess self respect, and the knowledge that I want to do this for a living. Getting on air inappropriately and pronouncing how good I look isn't the ideal way to receive a good recommendation from the boss. But I could have....

I really like my job. Everyone is good to me.

My friend Liv is going to be Mount St. Helens for Halloween. That's a good idea for a costume. I can't ever think of ideas for a costume. Here I am, a professional reporter, and I can't think of ideas for this stupid, juvenile holiday. Maybe I will be Mt. Vesuvius and 'one up' Liv.

I might try to get a grant for my idea. I'm interested in the website, and there are plenty of grants in the academic community for proactive ideas.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Look, if you think Halloween is stupid and juvenile, it doesn't want you anyways.