First, the shark fin. I was out in the ocean about 30 feet from the shore, when I saw an ominous dark thing in the water. I told myself I was imagining things, but took steps to tuck my feet onto my surfboard and ready my arms as to punch a shark and avoid being eaten alive. I continued surfing and had some good, ignorant fun.
Later, while Zach and I where chilling on the shore, we saw two fins in the water. The fins were roughly as far out as I was surfing. Relief swept through my body as I kissed the sand that my feet were comfortably standing on. However, after further inspection, the fins turned out to be dolphin fins. Nice, friendly dolphins. But, Brett's dad told us that earlier this summer a man was eaten alive by a shark about a half mile from where we were swimming. I'm convinced the shadow I saw was that very same man-eating shark.
Second, I got stung by a stingray. I was lucky because it only nicked the side of my ring toe. I was standing in waist deep water, took a step, and felt a painful sting shoot up my toes. I immediately thought I had been stung by a jellyfish. I hobbled to the shore, and Zach proceeded to tell me I could go into shock. Unlike when I normally get hurt, the pain in my foot started to spread and got very intense. My toe started to swell. I decided it was best to walk towards the life-guard station. It was a long walk, and I almost passed out because of the pain. I started to panic, wondering if my fellow beach-goers would know what to do if this strange man suddenly passed out on the beach.
I made it to the lifegaurd station, and the dude told me I had been nicked by a stingray. He said that I was lucky it didn't slice my whole foot, because people say the pain is unbearable. I was still hurting pretty bad, so when I arrived at Brett's house, I soaked my foot in hot water and vinegar.
I'm a bad ass, because I was stung by a stingray.
I'm proud of you for involving yourself in so many water activities of late. Way to go! I wish we could go swimming in Greenlake!
you're so brave
Wow! That sounds pretty scary to me dude.
Please take it easy, I still need you in one piece to kick your ass at games of skate.
you didn't tell me you saw a dolphin!!! i wish you had passed out on the sand and had sand all over your face or something like that.
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