We left some real kooks behind in Oregon and turned for the California coast.
The drive through the Redwoods is fantastic. I spent the whole time imagining what it was like for the Native Americans, trying to tame that wild land. Another thought- before there were showers did people just constantly stink? Did they get used to the smelling all the time?
We landed in Arcata California and I managed to ditch Zach and skate for a bit. The skatepark had a shroom head kind of vibe, so I left. I met Zach at a local coffee shop that was having an Open Mic night. We spent the night drinking beer and listening to talented local singers.
We slept in the car- pretty roughouse because I had gas.
Ho my god i still have nightmares because of all the farts you bombed in the tent!
good luck Zach!
when don't you have gas
Right now.
yeah, your gas in the car is not a pleasant thing to experience. you're not quite at john henry smell level, but you're no peach.
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