We have again left civilization. We are again starving little boys. The past two weeks were spent under the care of our surrogate parents; Dave and Marcia, Steven and Nancy. These parents caused me to regress in age. I fell into their outstanding care, and if I had stayed in Southern California any longer, I would have turned into a 22 year old infant. I would loaf around their houses, waiting for my meals to be cooked and my butt to be wiped. A grown-toddler Brett. NOW THAT is a vacation.
BUT, comfort and luxuries are not what this trip is about.
What is this trip about? Camping? Finding Myself? Finding a career? Finding booze and another pair of surrogate parents? Time will tell.
In more pressing matters, I'm currently chilling next to my compadre, Zach, in Joshua Tree National Park. It's dark, but the park has a special aura surrounding it. It is a cool place. We plan to wake up early tomorrow and get some of that special.
REMINDER-my phone is dead until further notice.
Thanks again to Brett's wonderful parents, Steve and Nancy Wingis
and Cooper!
i'm glad you recognize the nutritional power of cheez-its. oh, hey, so does louis g.
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