Now that college is done, I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life. Coupled with my desire to be a journalist, I also love to travel. I lived in France for a year and traveled Europe extensively. However, I barely know my own country- the wonderful America. I've never been east of Indiana, or anywhere in the south.
So, after deep soul searching, I decided a road trip is in order. My college bud, Zach Hagen, is my partner in crime.We are planning to drive across the country, to New York, in a kind of U-like manner. Just two dudes; driving, talking, writing, and trouble making across the U.S. We have a couple months, a couple dollars and a couple of ideas.
Our first stop is Crater Lake, Oregon. More from the road soon.
Your first "half" look a lot longer than the second.
i really like this drawing
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