This trip is not hard. People pay all sorts of money to do what Zach and I did while we were staying at my Uncle's house. All KINDS of money for our lives. We ran the gamut of what people love to do on their vacations. We went wine tasting, surfing, ate wonderful meals every night. It was sad to leave. BUT, like I say, fish and guests stink after eight days.
We spent our last day in Moorpark at Reagan's Presidential Library. There, Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was on display. The Proclamation spends 363 days in the dark, stored away in the National Archives. The Proclamationonly spends 48 hours a year in the daylight. It just so happened that the 48 hours it spent in the light this year were at Reagan's Presidential Library, which we just so happened to be staying near.
I get emotional in patriotic situations. A summer ago, I nearly cried while watching a replay of America's Miracle on Ice. It was weird. Also, before I cry, my mouth does this bizarre twitch motion, like a pre-cry warning. At Reagan's Library, my mouth twitched three times, the whole experience was too patriotic to handle, and I nearly bawled. First, seeing the actual Proclamation, one of the most historical documents in all of the U.S's history. There were two black men posing as Buffalo Soldiers guarding the document, standing stoically at full attention. It took all my might not to hug them and ask them if they want to hold my hand while we cry and look at Lincoln's wonderful Proclamation together.
Crying while seeing the Emancipation Proclamation is to be expected. However, I did not expect to choke up while I strolled the halls of Regan's Library. The Library is essentially a museum that outlines all of Regan's life. The man was gnarly! He made me want to be the President and marry a movie star all in this lifetime-just like he did.
Here is one abridged story:
He got shot. He almost died. But, right before he was being operated on by the doctor, Regan
quibbed to his doctors, "Your all Republicans, right?" One doctor responded, "Today, we are all Republicans." My mouth twitched.
I almost bawled at the Berlin Wall. I love Soviet History. AND, I got to tour through Air Force 1. I'm a nerdy history major after all.
We left Moorpark and drove through the haze that is L.A. We are now staying at Case de Brett. It is awesome, more on this later.
I'm sorry to do this, but as it came up more than once -- it's bawl.
That's really cool you got to see the ol' Proc. I want to go to lots of museums.
Oncle Dave!!!!!!!!!
HI Brett, wish you could be here to watch the debates with us. We would enjoy your comments and conversation. I find your interest refreshing and your quest awesome. Going to see "Hell Cats of the Navy", an old Reagan film outside tonight. It's showing by the Red Fish, so I'll have a cold one and toast you, the youngest president of these great United States. Hugs to Zach.
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