I went to Mexico with my cousin Mike.
I have officially stepped foot in Mexico. Finally. My entire life, I was ashamed that I had never been to Mexico. It's quite superficial of me, but it's true. When talking about foreign countries, people would undoubtedly bring up their "crazy trips to Mexico". Something gnarly always happened in Mexico. I would retort with, "yeah, well one time in Europe...", but it was never as good as their Mexican story. Now, if you try and out do my foreign adventure stories, I will throw Mexico at you and you will stop in your tracks.
And now for my crazy Mexican stories:
First, it was snowing in Mexico. I primarily envisioned Mexico as the land of Sun, Burritos, and illegal drugs- but only two of those stereotypes rang true. It snowed today in Juarez, Mexico. My cousin and I got thoroughly soaked while purchasing burritos and illegal drugs. Not really, I didn't buy any illegal drugs, although they were certainly offered to me.
Second, even higher on the list of things to buy in the industrial border town of Juarez are women. For the first half mile after you cross the border (we crossed on foot) every man I encountered would offer me women. They would realize the color of my skin, and thinking I was definitely over in their country to score some tail, would propose I follow him to get some chicks. They offered in all sorts of ways. One guy promised us a warehouse full of pus**, which is intriguing because of the pure logistics of the warehouse, but I kept my head down and continued walking....towards the warehouse.
No, just kidding family and Molly (the only people who read this blog?).
I was surprised at the poverty we encountered. It truly was a third world country. We crossed an imaginary border and into a third world country. The day was sobering on many levels. Yet, everyone seemed happy, and the further we got from the border the more 'normal' things became. It was still a third world country, but one that wasn't trying to peddle you sisters and drugs.
Because Juarez is not a tourist town, very few people spoke English. I would try to ask for the price of an item, in English, and they would just stare. People could say, "English.....No", but that was it. To break the ice I would start out with "Hola". Then I would stare at them for a of couple minutes with a stupid grin on my face, and they would laugh. Then I usually said, "Uhhhh, It's like uhhhh Muy Frio?" The pronunciation was butchered. They would nod and say "Si, Si" while laughing.
Along with this trip being my first time to Mexico, it was also my first time to Texas. Texas was a damn fine state. It reminds me of where I grew up in Olympia; an area of different ideals. People like their land and their trucks, and there ain't much wrong with that.
No truly crazy Mexican stories. But to all you-'I'm sooooo world traveled' people, I just got one more in the bag.
I hope I'm not just making these people up. Does anyone else think people compete in college with the places they have traveled to? Am I one of these people?
this post is by far the wittiest yet. i laughed out loud (lol-ed if you will) 3 times!
i read this blog brett i just don't feel like commenting much anymore.
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