Sunday, November 16, 2008

Old and Behind the Times

There once was a time when I was on the cutting edge. Music, skating, fashion, style. I had it baby. I was it. People looked at me and knew. "That dude is in it," they would undoubtedly say.

This time is no longer. I am an old man. No fashion sense, skateboarding that is soooo last year, and worst of all my music. The only music I listen to is a Doors CD that has been in my car for the last couple months. I blast that stuff like the new hits, ignorant and careless that it's old.

Then I went to a couple of parties and heard some great dance music. But I was oblivious to who the bands were. I mean, I could pick out the played stuff like M.I.A., but other than that I was clueless. Yesterday, I went on a small road trip down to Albuquerque with a couple of my friends. The girl who was driving, Kalie, was in charge of the music. She put on the dance music that I had gotten down to at the parties.

"This is good, who is this?" I asked. The age oozed from my pores.

"MGMT, duhh," she said. My other friend chuckled at her response. My heart broke. After the drive, I ran home and downloaded all of their music. I typed their name into Pandora and found music like it. The newer the music-the better. How dare I become a laughing stock. I was hip baby, hip. Now look at me, a disgusting shell of my cool stuff.

If anyone is trying to reach me today I will be at American Apparel and Urban Outfitters, powering through a pack of Parliament Lights in my Ray Bans.

Ohhhh god, are those things cool anymore? HELP ME!!!! I need to go back to France where I am years ahead of what is cool.


mackenzie said...

i just saw mgmt in paris, but i'm still not cool.

and i will continue to inappropriately comment on this blog whenever i remember it.

MOLLY said...

the first few times you warned me how out of the loop i was it didn't really bother me, now you've got me all worried that no kid will ever look at me and think "wow, that girl is really cool"

Stephanie said...

I feel the same, Brett. So sad.

Unknown said...

You're cooler than me, you just turned me on to mgmt. Feel some pride in that one. But I've always known i was on the fringes so i'm moving neither forward or back.

liv said...

as i sit here reading your blog in my long underwear, i feel a wave of nostalgia for the time we would talk about how when we would be hanging out in a group, people would say "those kids are cool."

Anonymous said...

Morrison was batshit insane and had more cool in a lock of his rockstar hair than all these here-today, gone-tomorrow trendy fucks will ever have.

Ride the snake.

Louis G Frenchy said...

....and you do need to come back in France.

Unknown said...

I heard being "old and behind the times", is cool. So, your good.