This story is an interview with the Secretary of State that ran today.
The wagon is moving for me getting an interview with Val Kilmer- and the wagon is rolling slow. It's the freaking wagon from the Oregon Trail computer game. The old D.O.S version. And I'm just spending my whole time hunting buffalo instead of moving toward the ultimate goal of Val Kilmer. And Molly, my teen bride on the Oregon Trail, is sick with diarrhea. That's how quickly I'm getting Mr. Mojo Rising Val Kilmer on the phone.
I'm sorry I have Molly sick with diarrhea in my Val Kilmer/Oregon Trail D.O.S parody. That's rude. But I can't remember anything else a trailblazer dies of in the game. Sorry Molly.
The dogs I'm watching wake me up every morning at 7:30. It would be endearing, if my clouded mind wasn't so loaded with hate for being woken up at 7:30. They wake me up because they want to go to the dog park.
The dog park is one of those weird scenes that stress me out. People are into the dog park. They love the dog park. Understandably, because they love their dogs. But like every scene, some people that are wayyy too into it. I feel like I'm in a fashion show strolling in with the puppies. Everyone looks, ooohhhs and ahhhhsss and compliments the dogs.
Today there was a lady orchestrating the whole shabang. She was pointing at dogs, yelling at dogs, and talking at their owners. When I cruised in, she immediately told me how beautiful my dogs are.
"Your dogs are soooo beautiful," she said.
I stood in place, contemplating my response.
"Uhhh, thanks. So are yours."
I looked at her mangy animals. They were some strange cross between feral cats and a shoehorn. She nodded in appreciation. She then went into this long monologue about how last week she saw a beautiful corkie -terrier mix. It was breathtaking. Since I have no knowledge of dogs, and wouldn't know if her shoehorn puppies were a 'corkie-terrier', I nodded in agreement and moved on with my dogs. She was a nice lady, and in my opinion, much to into dogs. And she is in to dogs like I am into skateboarding. I can't fault her for that.
And I forgot. I did a story about an ill-planned power plant that ran earlier this week. It was picked up the next day by the New Mexico Independent. I don't know if this is just coincidence or if the author heard the report. Either way, he went into much more detail, and it is a very good report.
All of these stories you've been working on are really great, I'm so proud of . . . ut . . uh . . . I GOTTA GO!
Yo Brett! Rolf is asking about you, he can't connect to your blog or something.
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