I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween weekend as much as I did.
I was Hunter Thompson from the '72 campaign years. I went to St. John's, partying down with all of those philosophy majors. The costume really took over. I made an effort never to break out of character, and I took a notebook with me in order to interview students. It started off normal enough, but then-in homage to Hunter-it got weird. Here is an example:
Headline- Interview with Lucas "The butcher" Sl***er
Hunter (Me): Where you from young fella?
The Butcher: Kansas
We then talk about Sebelius. Booze fiend never heard of her. Ohhh, the horror. Kids never learn.
He is a UFC fighter. I smile and nod politely, trying to avoid a beating. He is small for that sport, most likely insane. Ask him something I could quote him on.
The Butcher: "Happiness is only real when shared" I ask him where he got the quote. Responds, 'Into the Wild'. I like the book, he says he never read the book, only saw the movie. I again nod politely, trying to avoid eye contact.
Yeah, so I actually wrote that stuff in my notebook. I hope I did Hunter proud. The notebook only gets weirder from there, with me just quoting things from random people. More examples: "My driving skills are excellent"
"Change we can't define"
"He can dig"
The notebook from that night ends with me writing, "I'm in pure madness, I'll be lucky to get out alive." I actually thought I was Hunter Thompson for the night. Very Cool.
I also witnessed a best-dressed awards ceremony. A person who dressed as a street sign won the contest. A freshman who dressed as a clown got booed off stage, and he ran out of the room crying. College kids are harsh. Good weekend all around.
To end on a sad note, I have to go back to Chicago for a funeral. It will be nice to see my family.
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