1. My parent's recent trip to Japan.
2. The battle of Midway. A crucial air battle that was explained to me via a history channel marathon.
3. Girl's pantie dispensing machines that are supposedly rampant in Japan.

It saddens me to know that I think more about used underwear machines than I think about the Enola Gay. I mean, along with the Spirit of St. Louis and whatever deathtrap Amelia Earhart crashed in, the Gay is the most recognizable name in aviation history. Get your mind out of the gutter, Brett.

Speaking of the gutter, I made a new skateboard buddy. He lives mere blocks away from my place in Brooklyn. A cool cat. I linked his photo/music blog in my extremely exclusive links section. His name is David.
I'm working at the Transport Workers Union Local 100 hall in NYC. Yep, I'm working for the union. My Grandpa would be proud. "Great benefits and job security," he would say. Fortunately Grandpa, this is a temp job.
I don't know what the f*ck hapened with my previous comment.
have you ever thought that if the US had not bomb japan in 45 there will probably underwear machines all around the world now
Emelia Earhart
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