In the past three weeks I have lost 10 pounds. No girlies, it's not that fashionable Atkins diet that everyone is talking about, it's my own brand of dieting. I like to call it, "The Tortured-Jobless Journalist's Guide to Loosing Weight in NYC". Here is what you do:
Breakfast- A bagel with cream cheese or a slice of pizza. All depends on how you want to indulge.
Lunch- Nothing. Only two meals a day.
Dinner- As many bowls of homemade soup or noodles as you can possibly eat. * **
* Substitute twice a week with beer.
** Substitute once a week with a lavish meal that you can definitely not afford. This sends you into a panic
about the dwindling status of your bank account, causing you to spend even less money on food.
Exercise- Walk upwards of 5 miles each day. Tour the Brooklyn, take unnecessary trips Uptown, visit Times Square for the 3rd time.
Yeah so- that's my diet. I think I will start eating better once I get my own place. It's hard to keep food in the house here. I don't want to make a mess in the kitchen or take up valuable shelf room in the pantry. I will also feel more comfortable eating once I get a job. Speaking of which, I will begin to chronicle my job and apartment hunt on this blog. I will also chronicle the job hunt of two of my friends:
Eric N--He is my friend from school who moved to NYC two days ago. A solid guy. He wants to be a writer of some kind. Don't we all....
Jake F-- He is my friend from North Carolina. He still has a job at this point, but believes he is getting laid off by the end of this week. It's the economy, stupid.
Starting tomorrow I will post a status report for all three of us. Potential leads, interviews, firings, etc. Find out how we all are handling the ever-drying tit of the NYC job scene.
What exactly are you looking for? I might be able to hit up my contacts in NYC (people in the media sector I've done business with) and around that area to see if they have anything.
laid off.
Attention to detail is one of my strengths-- according to my cover letter.
you're gross
also, the wonky word i have to type to prove im not a computer is "combrett"
That sounds strikingly similar to my diet. Bowl of cereal, burrito for dinner, and a ton of shit from Plaid Pantry. And here I am trying to race bikes. I'll probably end up sending my body into shock instead.
Dude i've seen that movie, the machinist, not so long ago and it scared the shit out of me. I liked it though
Ironically, it turns out that eating less may actually help you live longer. See: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/08/01/health/main517257.shtml
this vid
happy birthday.
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