I'm back from the dark depths of the North Cascade Forest. Insanity occurred there. Pure, unblemished insanity. It was more than great. Just what the doctor ordered for me. I am in the midst of writing a harrowing recap of what occurred in the woods, tentatively titled-
A Journey Towards the End of a Snowy/Rainy Road:
Crisis of Time in Northern Washington
It will be done soon.
Sorry about the lack of posts. I was on my Radical Sabbatical. But I'm back, and more enthused than ever. Currently, I'm working on getting to NYC. I may already have an apartment lined up. It's a studio in Brooklyn. It will be split between 3 people. A man named Jonas-his name is Jonas- is spearheading the operation for us. He is a crazy, crazy dude, and I'm stoked to get him as a roommate. He works for a party planning outfit with my buddy Jake and knows NYC like the back of his hand. The third roommate is yet unknown- possibly one of Jonas's friends; or Eric N. It's freaky to have an apartment lined up with no job, but such is the life of a college grad. I guess.
Instead of working on anything productive today, I read a whole book. Cormac McCarthy's The Road. Amazing. Amazing. The story is set in a post apocalyptic world. A man and his son wander on a road, heading southward. The book is exactly how I like 'um-depressing as hell at the beginning, and slowly gets more and more depressing as time goes on. By the end of the book, you want to cry in a cold shower, and you feel damn lucky not to live in a post apocalyptic world so you can even take a shower. I have this half cocked theory that the whole book is one giant allegory for a father raising his son to be a competent man and handle the world with dignity. Has anyone else read this? Am I way off base here?
Well anyway, I'm back to my blogging. More posts everyday. More regular than my bowel schedule, in fact. More on this later?
back with another one of those block rockin' beats. also, calm down about yourself, dude.
yo brett, i know it sounds unrealistic but i'm following the current "war" in Gaza, 1.5 millions people are trapped there, ngos and doctors are witnessing injuries from new weapons ( like this american one called DIME http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/dime.htm). I don't know how people react in america, in europe there is protests and marches in every big cities. As a future journalist i thought you would be intereted to know a bit more about this mass murder, it's really happening right now... sorry for this serious speech but im feeling angry and useless. try to read some blogs written from inside gaza it's breathtaking
I would agree, raising sons is apocalyptic - for the dad. I see someone is suggesting blogging for a cause. Where do I get my accurate news? Who can I believe?
from israel:
My blog is the only source of accurate news on the web.
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