A big shout out to my boys at http://www.hifever.blogspot.com/. They linked me on their world-renowned dance website. Thanks, Hifever.
I think they are going to be pissed I called them a dance website.
Jake and I worked on a political campaign in Queens NY for four straight days. It was quite an experience. First, the district we worked in is the most ethnically diverse district in all of NY, if not the country. That put two white boys like Jake and I in a precarious position. Lets just say we stood out like sore thumbs.
People out in Queens didn't seem to trust the political opinions of two scarf-wearing, non-Spanish-speaking gents like Jake and I. It's almost like the people out there thought the two of us have never fallen on hard times. Like we have never had to struggle. Well listen people: we do struggle. Everyday. Just yesterday, for instance, my Starbucks gift card ran out. Where the hell am I supposed to buy my americanos now, huh?
I'm serious, my gift card ran out. I'm bummed.
Our candidate lost the election. Although when we first started working I could care less if he won or lost, by the end I cared. I mean, I worked hard for the man. But, win some lose some.
Jake and I think he lost because he didn't have a catch slogan. Oh-boya, it's Moya! Or, Moya the destroya!
Maybe he lost because Jake and I couldn't communicate with over half of the electorate. Nah, that had nothing to do with it. Right?
Read this you slackers. Jake and I are essentially weighing our options for what producer is going to put this into production. FoxSearchlight is made us an offer we can't refuse.
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