You know, I'm sorry about not posting any updates. It's just that after a day of writing and researching random stuff on the internet, the last thing I feel like doing is blogging. But I promise I will start this puppy up again.
And another thing: I was heading down a boring path with me and my blog. As pertinent as it is to describe my job/housing situation in NYC, I'm over thinking about it. I spend most of my day worrying if I will ever make a dollar. The last thing I want to do is try to write about my situation on a blog, where I have to pin down my worries into a couple of descriptive sentences. My worries stress me out enough when they are floating aimlessly in my head, but when I actually have to figure out exactly what is stressing me out and write about it; pshhhh-nuts to that.
But to the few readers left who might check my blog, here is a brief update:
I work as an unpaid intern for a nationally syndicated travel radio show.
I live in a small apartment. Picks soon.
I interviewed yesterday to work as a copywriter for an advertising/marketing firm.
I am in contact with both Fox News and CNN. Fingers crossed.
That's an update. Most importantly, I would like to make some money so I can get out to France in May to see my buddy, Luigi. That's why I'm hoping for the copywriter position.
But enough about my stuff.
Webisode Word Webisode PDFMy friend Jake and I recently completed writing a webisode. Is that how you spell it? Anyway, I want you to take a look at it. Is it funny? I mean, it is funny to me; but I wrote it. Actually, to me this webisode is airtight. To quote The Dude, "It's a Swiss fucking watch". I smell an Emmy, baby.
But read it.