Thursday, August 28, 2008
More than Change
I can't wait to see what the republicans are dishing out at the RNC.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

As I wade through primetime's endless coverage of the D.N.C, I can’t help but feel one thing- pessimistic. There are many reasons for my pessimism, but certain things definitely lend a hand. Problems with the candidates and problems within the political system. When frustration kicks in while I’m watching the D.N.C., it is ultimately the system which is to blame. I must remember the system is manufactured by you and me, the voting Joe. We always blame the system, yet never seem to muster enough moxie to challenge it, comforted by its familiarity.
I digress.
The first issue I have come across while watching the D.N.C. is the Democratic Party’s chosen representative-Barack Obama. Obama was the candidate of hope throughout the primaries. His face, character, speeches, and all the like were NEW. He was progressive, a leader, a new face in the stagnant pool of politics.
But, even before the D.N.C., his face began to wear. I noticed this in June. His strong, liberal stances began to sway. He avoided politically dangerous issues. During the awkwardly titled ‘Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion,’ Obama skirted the Reverend’s question on abortion. Obama’s staunch liberal card began to fade into the abyss of ‘middle politics’.
Then he picked Joe Biden as his running mate. Joe Biden is a great Democrat. He could help Obama win the election. Yet, he is not change-he is not hope. Biden is a Wasington man. He has been in the Senate as long as John McCain. He reeks of
After the Biden V.P. pick, my mind started churning. It was clear Obama is not for ‘change’, at least not on any drastic level. He is sacrificing his persona of ‘change’ in order to win the election. Like every politician should. I mean, a candidate running under the definite rubric of ‘change’ would never come from the Democratic Party. Why do they want change? They are major political players.
Not that I am surprised. Obama’s ‘change’ motif is nothing more than a winning political formula. This formula comes directly from an era that most democrats hold dear- the 60’s. Bobby Kennedy. He was change (kind of), we liked him. Things would have been different if we had Bobby. But alas…..
Obama is what we want. Change is what we want. We are in the midst of a
Change-kind of. A new idea- not really.
But Brett, what does all this mean?
Should you vote for Obama-he is the lesser of two evils.
Vote for him. The hope is that he will run D.C. with as fresh as an outlook as anyone in politics could hold. But, as you watch the shallowly worded promises and speeches the D.N.C. showers you with; always remember that Barack Obama is a politician, a damn good one.
Monday, August 25, 2008
I plan on writing about the DNC and the choice of Biden for V.P. Stay tuned, I will get my butt moving.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
First Post?

I rarely read something that makes me laugh out loud. But today I found this, a review from The Stranger for the movie The Rocker.
As the lights dimmed before The rocker, a kid behind me- trying to scare his sister- moaned, "the Reapah's heeah! THE REEEAPAAAH!" Good one, kid behind me. That joke was both funnier and more metal than the movie that was to come.
I love hearing inside jokes. I also love clever jokes made during movies. My brother-who is the funniest person I know- is a fan of these these things as well. He once told me of an incident that occurred during a screening of Die Hard 3. No one sees Die-Hard 3 expecting to witness an Oscar worthy film, but goes for a base level of entertainment. Its comparable to watching a film like Evil Dead.
Well, some meat-head jerk in the front row of the audience kept yelling obscenities throughout the film. "This movie blows ass," and "Fuck you Bruce Willis." A real clever bad-ass. Finally, after interrupting two-thirds of the movie, the meat head stood up and proclaimed, "Fuck this, I'm out!" As the movie-interrupter was exiting the theater, someone else in the audience sarcastically yelled, "BADASS!" The whole theater erupted in laughs. The bad-ass got his. Good humor- fun times.
My brother is funny, have him tell you the story.